The Aviator Emerging Market Fund operates under a Category 1 Global Business License issued by the Mauritius Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) to operate as a self-managed Collective Investment Scheme under the Securities Act 2005 and to be qualified as an expert fund under the Securities (Collective Investment Schemes And Closed-End Funds) Regulations 2008 of Mauritius (an “Expert Fund”). Investment in an Expert Fund is only available to persons meeting the criteria of an ‘Expert Investor’.
An Expert Investor is defined under the CIS Regulations as an investor who makes an initial investment, for his account, of no less than US $100,000; or a sophisticated investor as defined in the Securities Act, or any similarly defined investor in any other securities legislation.
Our goal is to protect and build wealth by investing primarily in equity, derivatives, and debt in emerging and non-emerging markets. Arbitrage strategies are also employed to take advantage of market mispricing. Through the process of identifying and investing in robust companies with good growth prospects and balance sheets, we can provide superior long-term returns. We also assess the macroeconomic trends of each country as factors in our decision-making process
The Fund is focused on Emerging Markets like India, UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong, and non-EMs like US, UK when superior earnings opportunities present themselves